    "quantity": 1,
    "data": [
            "service": "isa",
            "name": "Oppl ISA Verify",
            "date": "28/02/2024",
            "size": 27000,
            "description": "ISA Verify is a unique service from Oppl that tracks every characteristic of an asset against HMRC ISA Manager rules. Asset structure. Underlying instrument. Exchange listings. Segment listings. Accounting practices. And many more aspects play a role in determining wrapper eligibility. These data points are dynamic and often change. Rules for each market and asset type vary. Tracking this without the Oppl service is error prone and subject to risk. With a simple API call you can return a simple Yes or No answer against an ISIN.",
            "input": "isin",
            "output": "isin | status",
            "endpoint": "https://get.oppl.io/api/query.php?isin=US01609W1027&account=!accountID!&username=!userNAME!&service=isa&apikey=!apikey!",
            "rate_limits": 10,
            "example_isin": "US01609W1027",
            "test_example_1": "<a href=!chr34!!insertURL!&isin=US88160R1014!chr34! Target=!chr34!blank_!chr34!><span style=!chr34!display: inline-block; padding: 0.3em 0.6em; border-radius: 4px; background-color: #FFF5EE ; color: #000; font-size: 0.8em;!chr34!>Example 1 - TESLA 'TSLA'</span></a>",
            "test_example_2": "<a href=!chr34!!insertURL!&isin=US8914933069!chr34! Target=!chr34!blank_!chr34!><span style=!chr34!display: inline-block; padding: 0.3em 0.6em; border-radius: 4px; background-color: #FFF5EE ; color: #000; font-size: 0.8em;!chr34!>Example 2 - Toshiba ADR 'TOSYY'</span></a>",
            "now_what": "Why not search for Toshiba? ISIN : US8914933069 . Toshiba will be ISA eligible right? A big japanese Company. You might be surprised. !insert_api_link!?isin=US8914933069&account=!accountID!&username=!userNAME!&service=isa&apikey=!apikey!",
            "next_step_1": "What to trace the reasons why an asset is or is not eligible? If the asset is an ADR check out the Oppl ADR database service."